So for all of you that follow me on Facebook, you are aware that we got some very bad news last week. We were notified by the Department of State that Alek Manas was no longer at the Tokmok orphanage because he had been domestically adopted. Now I know some people are saying "that's great he has a home" but why did it take almost 4 years to adopt him and why after he had a family actively pursuing him. All I can say on this subject is that there is cruelty in this world and what has happened is a perfect example. Our family and another family will never know what happened to that precious boy that I have loved since he was two weeks old. A dedicated family who had already lost one child to domestic adoption are now suffering heartbreak again and I am so sorry for that.
Now do I regret the last nearly 4 years? NEVER! Alek Manas was sustained in that orphanage by the love he felt from so far away by so many people. My life is forever changed because of him. I would not have my precious Gabriel if things had not gotten so messed up in Kyrgyzstan. So many things in my life are different because of him.
My regret is we never got him home to us or the dear family that wanted him home as well. I regret more than anything the tears in my daughters eyes when I told her he was never coming home to the United States and we would never really know what happened to him. I still remember the joy on her face back in 2008 when I showed her a picture of her "brother". I regret that he is gone and I will never know if he is being loved and being taken care of the way he deserves. Those are my regrets.....
Goodbye Alek Manas........