Thursday, February 19, 2009

What To Do Now?

Well this adoption has turned out to be the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I have to say that if you have read Suzanne from FL's blog today that is exactly how I feel. I just have no positive feelings that this country is ever going to allow us to bring home our babies. They keep making promises only to break them at each and every turn. I love my son more than anything but I may have to face the fact that loving him from afar is all I will ever be able to do. I have decided no to an interim trip because I cannot possibly go and hold and bond with him again and maybe never see him again. I started this adoption process 3 years ago with China. We were determined we would adopt a second child after we brought Lindze home. We started one year from the date that Lindze got home not knowing what we would go through for 3 stinking years. My new dilemma is that Kyrgyzstan is a concurrent adoption and China is now in March of 2006 with referrals and we are logged in at the end of April. What do I do? Give up China and hope that Little Man will one day be allowed to come home or wait a little longer and then decide. We only have a few months to decide because we would need to update everything with China. China has been the slowest I have ever seen but at least by golly I know I will have a child to bring home. Little Man's country does not even know what they are doing and they don't give a rats tail about those kids. If they did we would all have our babies home by now. I obsess about this everyday and I am driving my family nuts. Something is going to have to give soon.


Betsy said...

Our hearts ache for you and other families caught in this horrible mess. We will pray for you, that God would give you peace and help you as you make big decisions.

Monica said...

I'm driving myself slightly batty as well and we don't even have a referred child that we have met so I can completely UNDERSTAND that your agony must be 10x what I'm going thru. That really stinks that you will have to decide soon. I hope that you find peace in that decision and that this stress is over soon for all of us waiting on Kyrgyzstan.

Lori said...

I also pray that your decisions come with peace. I know that the pressure of having to make that decision just makes the waiting so much worse. Peace and serenity I'm hoping for you...