Friday, July 24, 2009

A Bump in the Road

Well today did not go so well. I still don't want to say too much because if it does not work out, I don't want to have to explain. Anyway we ran into a roadblock and it is going to take at least a month to see if it can be moved. I need all of the support and prayers I can get to see this to the end. Today in our meeting I thought forget it, I am done and almost walked out but I did not. I have some friends that are telling me not to give up and to see it to the end but I am afraid that I will not like what the final result reveals to me. Well anyway I have a lot of waiting and worrying to do for the next month which goes along with all of the waiting and worrying I have done for the last year. Prayers and more prayers!!!!!


Corinne said...

Praying for you Christina!

Allison said...

So sorry to hear of your bump in the road. Prayers your way!

Becky said...

Praying for you and your family.

Lori said...

Sorry to hear that there's *more* wait, but will continue to pray it goes well.

Mary from TN said...

I am praying for you and your family, Christina. May your wait go quickly and good news come your way.

Mary from TN

Kristy said...

I just said a prayer that all goes well in this situation and that God takes some of your anquish away from you so that you may have some peace in your mind and heart. Just remember to breathe.....

Love and blessings, Kristy

Jeanne said...

I hope you'll hear some better news soon.