Monday, October 29, 2012


Can it be true? We are actually going to China in 16 days and we will be getting our sweet peanut on November 19th. By God's grace and love we are almost at the end of our adoption journey. As of right now we fly out on November 14th and then fly home December 1st. We are flying Korean airlines which is great because when we went to Kyrgyzstan we were in pure misery so everyone is excited about our "good" flights. We are excited about everything!!  So now begins the panicked packing and making tons of arrangements for leaving Gabe with my brother and sis in law. I have decided the worse part that I am facing now is leaving Gabe.  I have seen that little squirt every day since we brought him home at 6 weeks old. I would gladly give up much sleep to see my babies everyday and get that kiss, hug and "I love you momma". Hopefully between Skype and Facetime I can talk and see him face to face much!!
  So keep the prayers coming that everything is smooth sailing and we get our boy with no issues. Also please pray for Dane as we are about to take him away from the only family he has only known since he was one month old.

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