We have been home for a couple of days and it has been great to be home but I miss Little Man so bad it hurts. The trip home was more than miserable. I ended up with a wonderful stomache virus on the first flight home which continued into the rest of the trip. We missed our connecting flight in London and I started wigging out that I could not miss seeing Lindze. Luckily our airline was able to get us on a later flight to Chicago then to Nashville so we got home 4 hours later than scheduled. Lindze was there at the airport to meet us and her smile was such a ray of sunshine after leaving Little Man behind.
We have settled back into our normal routine. Tom has gone back to work and I go back Friday night so I have a little more time to get over the trip. There are all kinds of rumors swirling regarding this new committee in Bishkek so I am not on the positive side that we will be going back for our return trip anytime soon. He turned 3 months on our last day there and I am sure I am going to miss his next few months. He cried on our last day when we were leaving and I just feel like he knew we were leaving him. I am sure he does not get held for 2-3 hours straight like we held him when we were there. I just hope and pray that he is getting good care while we are gone and that we see him very soon!