Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 2 with Little Man

Can I tell you how hard it is to switch your clock from one time to another. Tom seems to sleep at every opportunity he gets. By the time we get use to it, we will be headed home. It is very hot here and today we got to ride with our facilitator in a car going over 85 miles per hour with no seatbelt and no a/c. It takes an hour to get to the orphanage and the whole time you are riding your life is flashing before your eyes. The way they pass someone is to honk or don't and pull into the center lane and hit the gas and play chicken. A couple of times today I had to catch my breath because I thought we were going to hit the oncoming car. It is kind of like the nascar speedway except NO SEATBELTS!
Well Little Man was a little fussy today and daddy kept passing him to me when he got fussy. We took some outfits for him. We were told they like to keep them covered up so we carried cotton pjs that had footies but we also carried a couple of summer outfits. Well today they had on a long sleeve pj's with the short sleeve underneath. Frankly I would be fussy too if I had on 2 outfits in an 85 degree room with no a/c. He has his own personal nanny and she finally allowed us to take one of his outfits off of him. She also let us give him a bottle with water in it. It was great to get to feed him something for the first time. She said they get hot and have to have extra water. We did manage to get some smiles out of him today. He has the sweetest smile. When I had to put him back in his crib, he just started crying and I so hated to leave him but thankfully his nanny was on her way over to feed him. We got to talk to the orphanage director and through our translator we got more of a medical and family history on him. There are a few minor issues but they say they are "curing him". I hope to get more on him tomorrow and send it on to his doctor in the States so he can evaluate him. He does not have any of the diseases that I have been worried about. I will continue to thank the Lord everyday for this precious miracle that has come into our life. When we come home, Bakyt has assured that he will keep an eye on him and provide for him whatever the orphanage says that he may need.
Well we are suppose to eat with other families so I have to be off. Tomorrow we are going to be taken to see a statue of a legendary Kyrgyzstan hero that Little Man has the same name of. I figured it would be something he would like to see when he got older. After that off to see Little Man again. Keep us in your prayers.
Heather, Give Lindze a big hug and kiss from her momma, daddy and brother.


Maria said...

Don't you LOVE the ride over? There were a few catch my breath moments too. I am glad to see that you are moving through the process to get your little man home. I hope your trip to the statue is fun -- I think I know which one it is. Have fun!!

michele said...

I am SO happy that everything is going so well. Sounds like you're having a real exciting time. Can't wait for you to come home and be able to see the excitement too!'s the coffee??

potts4tn said...

They drive worse than Tom? All is well here and Lindze is still doing great. The kids are getting along well and having a good time playing. I am reading your blog to her, in 4yr old terms, but I think the webcam at nana Lunns is much more exciting...I will have her back at the Lunns in the morning so you can talk to her..stay safe

Anonymous said...

Just checking really is great to get updates on Little Man and the trip. Hope you and Tom are soaking it all in. Give Little Man big hugs and kisses from everyone...we are all counting down the days until we will all be playing and laughing together!

Hilary Marquis said...

Your comments about the driving made me laugh!! I remember it well...blindfolds would help. Little Man was only wearin 2 layers? Anara had a cold when we arrived and they had her in 3 layers plus insisted on a blanket to take her was well into the 90's!!! I am so excited for you all. Anxiously awaiting the second trip and pictures :)