Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Baby Day 3

Today when we got to the orphanage Little Man was sound asleep in the crib in the front room. They were expecting us and once again poor thing had on 2 outfits but he did not seem to mind. They let us carry him outside to a covered play area where he slept in my arms for another 30 minutes. I did not have the heart to wake him up. When he did wake up he was a little fussy but they had given me a bottle with water in it to give him. He was mostly smiles today. He let his daddy carry him around and it was so sweet. Daddy seems to be getting more comfortable holding him now. After we had played with him for a while they said it was time for his bottle but first they were going to measure him again. They stripped him naked and can you believe he did not cry. Considering how covered up he normally is, he probably considered it a vacation from clothes. Anyway Little Man weighs 11.9 pounds and is 24.4 inches long. This is all according to our translator. He weighed 8.1 and was 20.5 inches when he was born. He is a big boy if I can say so myself. It will be a while before he catches up to his cousin Gavin though. Anyway I gave him back to the nanny but all of a sudden they allowed me to feed him his bottle. I got to feed him today for the first time ever. It was great. They then took him to put him down for another nap. It was a great day of seeing Little Man!!!
We did find out this week through the orphanage director that Little Mans reliquishment is not unlike his big sister. I thank God everyday that he brought Little Man and his big sister into our lives. I also pray for their birthmothers and the decisions they had to make when they gave birth to these children but it is because of this that Tom and I have such a special family. These women will always have a special place in my heart.
I want to ask for special prayers for our traveling buddies Betsy and Bryan as Betsy has very been sick and they have a lot going on.
Lindze, we love you and will see you soon!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Chris and Tom. I was so excited to hear that Little Man is healthy and happy. I know ya'll are giving him big hugs and kisses...I'm sending three from us!

mallorysmommy said...

Hey! Glad to hear all is well!! Cant wait to see pics! Have a safe trip home and Im keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!

potts4tn said...

Glad you had a good day....I cant wait to hear all about your trip when you get home.

michele said...

It's wonderful to hear that each day brings more joy with your little one. Thinking about you all. Wishing you both a safe flight home. See you soon.